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virotype PRRSV NA/EU Primers/Probes (96 reactions)
Primers and probes for amplification of RNA from PRRSV
virotype Influenza A Primers/Probes (100 reactions)
Primers and probes for amplification of RNA from Influenza A virus
virotype Tissue Lysis Reagent
For fast lysis of various sample types (e.g. bovine ear tissue samples, tracheal swabs)
pigtype Toxoplasma Ab (5 ELISA plates)
For detection of antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii (Availability/distribution: Outside the U.S. and Canada)
virotype FMDV 3D Primers/Probes (100 reactions)
Primers and probes for amplification of RNA from Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus (FMDV) in real-time RT-PCR
IndiMag Pathogen Kit w/o plastics (384 reactions)
(Old name: MagAttract 96 cador Pathogen Kit w/o Plastics) For rapid and automated purification of viral RNA/DNA and bacterial DNA from a wide range of animal samples based on magnetic bead technology. Choose if you own a IndiMag 48/48s or IndiMag 2.
pigtype PRRSV Ab
For detection of antibodies to Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus (Availability/distribution: Outside the U.S. and Canada)
virotype Influenza A 2.0 RT-PCR Kit (100 reactions)
For rapid and reliable detection of RNA from Influenza A Virus in samples from birds, pigs and equids (Availability/distribution: Outside the U.S. and Canada)
virotype PEDV/TGEV/PDCoV Positive Control
Synthetically derived RNA of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus, Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus and Porcine Deltacoronavirus in buffer
cattletype BHV1 gE Ab
For detection of antibodies to glycoprotein E of Bovine Herpesvirus 1 in samples from cattle (Availability/distribution: Outside the U.S. and Canada)
For detection of IgG antibodies to Anaplasma phagocytophilum (anaplasmosis) in dog serum and plasma samples (Availability/distribution: Outside the U.S. and Canada)
virotype IBDV Positive Control (30 reactions)
Synthetically derived RNA of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (IBDV) in buffer
virotype BVDV 2.0 Primers/Probes (100 reactions)
Primers and probes for amplification of RNA from Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus in real-time RT-qPCR
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