Cat. No.: 18-2020

Check & Trace Salmonella 2.0 Test Kit

Molecular Salmonella typing - rapid, reliable and objective [Read more]

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Our novel, easy-to-use Check & Trace Salmonella 2.0 qPCR test enables you to rapidly confirm, accurately differentiate, 
and trace Salmonella. This will help you to take decisive action faster.

Check & Trace Salmonella 2.0 is AOAC approved and has been successfully validated by Microval according to ISO 16140-6 protocol for 59 unique serotypes including the monophasic variant of S.Typhimurium. With a clear and objective result in less than 2 hours,  this assay can be used by any laboratory as an alternative for ISO 6579-1 and ISO 6579-3, for Salmonella confirmation and typing, reducing hands-on time significantly. No need to send your presumptive Salmonella samples to a reference lab for further serotyping.

Moreover, Check & Trace Salmonella 2.0 enables you to respond quickly and decisively to emerging Salmonella contaminations. 

Check & Trace 2.0 key benefits:

  • Fast turnaround time: Get Salmonella results from a pure culture in 2 hours
  • Easy sample preparation process: Ready-to-use reagents saving you precious time (20 minutes)
  • Highly accurate: Targeting multiple regions of the genome to correctly identify Salmonella serotypes
  • Objective results: The test will give you easy-to-read results based on our proprietary software 

Pathogen type Bacteria
Product Type Ready-to-use assay
Manufacturer Check-Points B.V. (an INDICAL company)
Species Avian/poultry
Pathogen investigated Salmonella
Technology RT-qPCR
Certificates of Analysis (CoA)

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Safety Data Sheets

Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for product components are available on request.

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