The SARCOPTES-ELISA 2001 PIG is an enzyme immunoassay for detecting IgG antibodies to Sarcoptes scabiei var. suis in serum and plasma samples from swine.
Sarcoptes scabiei var. suis is the causative agent of sarcoptic mange, one of the most significant ectoparasite in pigs. Infections of Sarcoptes mites are often sub-clinical or chronic in nature, causing morbidity, mortality, decreased fertility and feed ratio in pigs. It ishard to detect by traditional diagnostic methods, particularly in optimal housing and feeding conditions, and in herds of healthy animals.
The SARCOPTES-ELISA 2001 PIG is able to detect subclinical infections especially common in herds with ideal housing and feeding conditions. The test is designed for monitoring pig herds to certify the absence of sarcoptic mange mites. Usually, only a few animals are infected. It is therefore recommended to test a part of the herd (e. g., 30 of 100 or more sows) for anti-sarcoptic antibodies every six months.
Features and benefits:
- Method of choice for monitoring and detection of sarcoptes infections in swine
- High sensitivity of 94% and high specificity of 97% (validated with n = 134 characterized pigs known to be either free of sarcoptes or infected with them)
Improve your workflow efficiency with AFOSA assays
- Ready-to-use reagents (Positive/Negative Controls, Conjugate, Substrate, Stop Solution)
- Color-coded caps
Interchangeable reagents between AFOSA assays - Microplate with 12 individual strips of 8 wells
- All AFOSA ELISA kits use the same short protocol
- Unified pipetting volume of 100 µl
- Suitable for automated ELISA instruments
For up-to-date licensing information and product-specific disclaimers, see the respective handbook or user manual. Assays for veterinary use only. Regulatory requirements vary by country, product may not be available in your geographic area. PCR and ELISA kits availability/distribution: Outside the U.S. and Canada
Product picture:
Product contents |
1 Microtitre plate (96 wells coated with antigen), Sample dilution buffer, Wash buffer (10x concentrate), Conjugate solution, Substrate solution, Stop solution, Positive control serum, Negative control serum |
Pathogen type |
Parasite |
Product Type |
Ready-to-use assay |
Manufacturer |
Species |
Swine |
Pathogen investigated |
Sarcoptes scabiei var. suis |
Technology |