Cat. No.: VT280465

virotype BTV pan/8 2.0 RT-PCR Kit (100 reactions)

For detection of Bluetongue Virus RNA plus separate identification of the European serotype BTV-8 (Availability/distribution: Outside the U.S. and Canada) [Read more]

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The virotype BTV pan/8 2.0 RT-PCR Kit (FLI-C 114) from INDICAL enables rapid and reliable detection of Bluetongue Virus (BTV) RNA, and differentiation of European serotype BTV-8 specifically, in samples from cattle, sheep and goats.

Save precious lab time with virotype BTV pan/8 2.0 RT-PCR Kit

  • Enhanced, ultra-fast protocol with a total RT-qPCR runtime of ~1 hour*
  • Can be performed in one cycler run with other virotype 2.0 assays
  • Easy-to-use single reaction mix with endogenous internal extraction and amplification control
  • Ready-to-use positive and negative controls 

Excellent performance 

  • Triplex RT-qPCR for Identification of all known 36 BTV serotypes plus separate detection of BTV-8 in one single PCR run
  • Highly sensitive detection of as few as 5 copies per sample
  • Usable on most common PCR thermocyclers
  • High efficiency on all instruments tested

Flexible with multiple validated sample types 

  • Ruminant whole blood (preferred with anticoagulants, e.g., EDTA-blood)
  • Tissue samples (spleen, lymph nodes) from cattle, sheep and goats

Due to the high sensitivity of the test, pools of up to 5 individual blood samples may be analyzed.
However, the optimum pool size depends on the regional prevalence for BTV.**

Supply certainty & exceptional support

  • We have been a trusted supplier of high quality qPCR test systems since 2007
  • High production capacity and safety stocks
  • Excellent technical support by veterinarians

Bluetongue disease and Bluetongue Virus (BTV)

Bluetongue is an infectious, non-contagious disease of ruminants. The agent is the Bluetongue Virus (BTV), a double-stranded RNA virus of the genus Orbivirus of the family Reoviridae which includes 36 known serotypes including atypical BTV. BTV is widely distributed around the world. Sheep, cattle and goats are mainly affected by the disease. Clear clinical signs are usually seen only in sheep. In severe cases the tongue may show intense hyperemia and become cyanotic (Bluetongue).

BTV serotype 8 (BTV-8) is of epidemiological importance in Central Europe and a cause of recent major Bluetongue Disease outbreaks. The virus is transmitted by certain midges of the genus Culicoides. Furthermore, the virus can be spread by contaminated needles and surgery equipment.

*Depending on PCR-Cycler. See Handbook for detailed information. **Pool recommendations and regulations may vary between countries.

For up-to-date licensing information and product-specific disclaimers, see the respective handbook or user manual. Assays for veterinary use only. Regulatory requirements vary by country, product may not be available in your geographic area. PCR and ELISA kits availability/distribution: Outside the U.S. and Canada.

Product contents Master Mix, Positive Control, Negative Control, Handbook
Pathogen type Virus
Product Type Ready-to-use assay
Species Ruminants
Pathogen investigated Bluetongue Virus (BTV)
Technology RT-qPCR
Manuel virotype BTV pan/8 2.0 RT-PCR Kit (Juillet 2022, FR)
Manual virotype BTV pan/8 2.0 RT-PCR Kit (Julio 2022, ES)
Handbuch virotype BTV pan/8 2.0 RT-PCR Kit (Juli 2022, DE)
Handbook virotype BTV pan/8 2.0 RT-PCR Kit (July 2022, EN)
Certificates of Analysis (CoA)

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Safety Data Sheets

Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for product components are available on request.

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